Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Back on the flats...

Last weeks winds have blown through the area leaving the flats a few degrees cooler.  The grass carp are feeding more in the 10 am - 2 pm range after the sun warms the flats a little.  I really like this behavior b/c it keeps me out of trouble on the home front.

Typically, I have every intention of leaving the water at a respectable time and taking care of my adult responsibilities.  However, after wrangling a few 40lb grassers (see Friday's post), my decision making process becomes compromised.  Fish brain takes over and the follow-up conversation over a dinner of fried bologna and a bowl of dry cheerios isn't repeatable! Children can be vicious.

Look at that red

Despite all my best efforts, normally I'm one fish away from sleeping in my kayak and having my mail forwarded to the lake.  So this new pattern allows me to take care of those "other" things before I get on the water and appear to be a respectable citizen of the community and contributing member of my household.  I've been told, "awesome pictures of me holding fish" aren't considered a "contribution to the family".  Never to be repeated...but I disagree, they're the icing on the cake!  

Never seen one with a tail this blue

Glass calm....long, accurate, and delicate presentations are a must...what happens when you fail, see below
Jail break...got to close.

Gonna be spending a lot of time on the water.  Follow my Facebook page and Instagram to stay up to date.  I'll be chasing trout this weekend.  Enjoying Fall so far!



  1. Drew
    What a trip, have you ever eat any carp? I wonder sometimes what it taste like, I don't think it would have the catfish taste. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thx Bill. No I haven't. I've heard they're good smoked. But I would have to factor the time it takes to clean fish into my trips. That would be less time fishing....I'm good with bologna and dry cereal.

  2. Hey Drew, from now on I'm calling you ol' fish brain! I enjoyed that. I'm here to tell you that I'm a little jealous. I haven't got the knack yet for catching those things. Good job and good report.

    1. Thx Howard, I'm cool with it. SEAR doesn't have a lot of trout...but we do have a bunch of carp. Trade you!

  3. Cool colors! Always remember what it's like when you haven't fished in a while if you need justification for spending time away from home to fish. If you're anything like me you'd probably drive your family nuts if you never fished!

    1. Thx man, fortunately my family understands. They just want clean clothes...or clothes that don't smell like fish!

  4. Very nice fish, what has been your most productive fly?

    1. Varies based on what I see when I'm out...I wrote this silly article for a free e-mag, So Much Water (somuchwater.com) w/ some patterns I like plus my FB page has a few. If you have some time see page 14 of the Spring 2015 issue....https://www.joomag.com/magazine/mag/0193399001417389776?feature=archive
